Thursday, August 18, 2011

Sweet Christmas, people look at this thing still?

Well, if you are, welcome to this dead-zone of a webcomic. These pictures will remain here for however long it takes me to clean up, grab them all, and move to a more permanent location on the interwebs. In the meantime, there's like 4 other websites you can keep up with me and my existence on.

DeviantART: For random drawing based nonsense and comic updates.
Facebook: For various information and the most up-to-date goings on in my life.
Google+: Like Facebook, but cooler.
Tumblr: Ranting, reblogging, and asking me questions to get some drawn responses.

You can also find me on Steam (Pietacular), Playstation Network (Total-Tortilla), and YouTube (TotalTortilla).

So that's about it. Thanks for checking all this out, and hopefully I'll be seeing you somewhere else on the internet.
